North American
La Salette Mission Center
By Fr. Thomas
Vellappallil, MS
By Fr. Thomas
Vellappallil, MS
A Report on my first visit to Argentina
by Fr. Thomas Vellappallili, M.S.
Argentina is the second largest country in South America in size and population (Brazil is larger) and is
the eighth largest country in the world. It has a population of 42 million. Ethnic groups consist of mostly
Spanish and Italian (97%) immigrants. Argentina became an independent nation in 1816. There are 23
Provinces (what we call States in the USA). 80% of the population resides in cities and towns of more
than 2000. Over one third of the people live in the greater Buenos Aires area.
Argentina is bordered by Bolivia and Paraguay on the north and by Uruguay and Brazil on the east and
on the south is Chile and the Atlantic Ocean. Major cities are Buenos Aires, Cordova, Rosario,
Mendoza, Santa Fe, etc. The most important factors in the wealth and prosperity of the Argentinean
Republic are agriculture, agricultural industries, cattle-raising and commerce. The chief agricultural
pursuits are wheat, maize, sugarcane, tobacco and grapes. The agricultural industries are chiefly the
manufacture of flour, sugar, cigar, wines and spirits. Natural resources include Zinc, copper, iron, oil and
Many Argentineans are nominal Catholics who attend
Church only on specific social occasions like
weddings and baptisms. Only 20% practices the faith
regularly. Roman Catholicism remains the official
religion of the State. There are 72 dioceses. The
society, culture and politics are deeply imbued with
Roman Catholicism. There are many Catholic
universities in Argentina and religious orders run and
sponsor hundreds of primary and secondary schools
throughout the country. Freedom of religion is also
guaranteed by the Constitution
I left Bolivia on the morning of December 5th
and flew to Santa Cruz to catch a plane to
Argentina and arrived at the Martin Miguel De
Guemes airport in Salta, Argentina around
noon. Salta sits in the northwest of the country.
Fr. Joseph who is on a loan to the region for 5
years from India, travelled 6 hours on a bus to
meet me. His friend Nancy who is local and
familiar with the area, accompanied him to the
airport. We took a taxi to get to the bus
terminal and had my first meal at the bus
terminal. Although I was warned of the heat of
the summer, I was lucky to have very pleasant
weather due to a heavy downpour on the
previous day. After a 6 hour bus ride, we
arrived in Las Termas. It is a winter tourism
center. If you are looking for a place for
retirement, I recommend Las Termas,
because of the natural hot springs that can
keep you happy and healthy all year along. Its
season goes from April to October. Most
shops and business places were closed since
I arrived here during “out of season.”
Fr. Joseph and I arrived in Las Termas about
10 pm. I was surprised, very surprised, to see
that the whole La Salette community stayed up
to receive me and welcome me with a great
late dinner. Fr. Alfredo Velarde is the pastor
and Fr. Fernando Altimaranda is his
associate pastor. Fr. Jack Harvey and Fr. Jim
Weeks, two American La Salettes who have
given most of their lives as missionaries to
Argentina, live with this community.
They speak with great passion about
the missions. Even though they are
retired, they remain active in ministry.
After a good night’s rest, Frs. Alfredo
and Fernando took me on a tour
around the parish. It’s a vibrant
parish, divided into four sectors with
138 missions spread out far and
wide. This is the only parish in this
beautiful city of Las Termas. With
financial assistance from Fr. Jim
Henault and his parishioners, they
have built a primary school, which
grows in enrollment each year.
Education for these children has
brought many families closer to
Church. “Bienvenido Padre Tomas”
was the greeting of welcome I
received from the students. It is so
impressive to see their joy and the
smiles in their faces. Thanks to the
La Salettes for the great works they
do to help shape the future of these
children. People continue to speak
very highly of Steve Krisanda,
Dennis Columber, J.P. Sullivan and
others. After the tour of the parish, it
was easy to conclude that there are
so many unfinished projects. They
need lots of help expanding the
school, assisting in many comedors
(Soup Kitchens), in completing
mission chapels and places of
worship. Alfredo expressed his
gratitude to me for taking time to visit
and for the sincere interest I have
shown for the missions.
Later in the afternoon, Joseph and I continued
our journey to La Banda, an hour by bus. La
Banda is a city in the Province of Santiago del
Estero. It is located only 5 miles away from the
city of Santiago. Joseph took me down town
and we strolled for half a day. Joseph has
been assigned pastor in La Banda for a year.
Bro. Moises lives with him. I missed him for he
was visiting his folks in Tarija, Bolivia. There
are 10 mission centers under his parish. This
is one of the most remote and poor places.
You see lots of unpaved roads even the one
that runs in front of the parish church and the
rectory. The Sunday collection usually amounts
to 80 to 100 pesos, which is equal to $20.
Joseph loves his people and the people love
him as one of their own. Within a year, Joseph
was able to get outside of the Church painted
and he hopes to have the inside painted in the
near future. He speaks Spanish fairly well.
Two men apparently drunk climbed at the back
of the truck only to find out one of them was the
brother of the patient. As we entered the small
shabby house, we saw the patient in her 70s
lying in bed close to dying. Some of the
neighbors came and joined as Fr. Joseph
prayed over her and gave the Last Rites. I was
impressed by the comment Joseph made. “To
which we are going is the poorest of the
barrios. It is quite a distance to travel. But to
the poor I must go. They have no one to care
for them.” I found the spirit of a true missionary
in action through this event.
Fr. Joseph had arranged for us to have lunch and
dinner with two families while we were in La
Banda. No one can beat their hospitality. Fr.
Joseph plays tennis with some of them. They greet
you and welcome you to their homes with a hug on
your both cheeks and treat you like like family. I
enjoyed the company and friendship of the two
beautiful families. They specially prepared dishes
typical to their region as they wanted me to taste
Fr. Joseph took me to the bus terminal and sent me off by myself to Cordoba. I arrived in Cordoba around
9pm after a 7 hour trip. Cordoba is the second largest city located near the geographical center of
Argentina about 435 miles northwest of Buenos Aires. Fr. Jacob, who was my classmate came to the
terminal and we went to his place, which is known as the” Casa de Formacion”, in a taxi. Jacob had his
friends prepare a meal that they brought to his house for our dinner. After sharing stories, mostly about his
experience in Argentina, we called it a day. On the next day Jacob and I went to Cordoba City in a public
bus to see the city and then proceed to the Regional House, which is also the house of formation. Fr.
Norman Butler was in Rome attending a General Council meeting, but Pedro Battistini, Cruz Tejerina
together with the 3 seminarians welcomed me warmly. Javier Pereira and Marcelo Palacios, who are in
charge of the parish near by “Nuestra Senora de La Salette in Barrio Yofre Norte”, came over to have
lunch with us. It was a special meal prepared to welcome me. After lunch and a long siesta, Ariel, one of
the seminarians offered to take me to one of the barrio chapels and we visited the homes of 6
parishioners. Ariel said “these are very poor and simple people but they are people of great faith.” It is a
great experience and exposure for Ariel and the other two seminarians to be entrusted with the
responsibility of overseeing the spiritual needs of people of two barrio chapels.
In the parish of La Salette in Cordoba, surrounded
by eucalyptuses trees is situated the Regional
House. It also serves as a formation house, house
of hospitality, relaxation and recreation for visitors.
Currently there are three seminarians that live here. I
would like to introduce them to you.
Alfredo Ariel Bucci is twenty four years old. He is
from Tucuman, a province located north of
Argentina. He became a perpetually professed
member in 2006. He is inspired by the Marian
spirituality and the charism of reconciliation. He
takes care of two mission communities in the parish
as part of his exposure to ministry and he loves to
serve them. He wants to spread the message of
love, mercy and reconciliation to God’s people.
Leonardo Ariel Muratore is from Cordoba,
Argentina. He has been part of the La Salette
Community for the past 5 years. He took
temporary vows this year. Ariel says, “I always felt
God calling me and inviting me to give my life in
service to the poor and the marginalized”. He is
entrusted with the responsibility of leading two
rural communities in the neighborhood. He wants
to work towards building a more just and fraternal
society, where love and brotherhood matter most.
Diego Armando Diaz is 30 years old. He was
born in La Banda in the province of Santiago del
Estero. He began to experience the call of the
Lord to lead a religious life right where the parish
of Our Lady of La Salette is located in the city of
La Banda. He feels so fulfilled with God’s call to
In the evening I was invited to our parish to
concelebrate with Fr. Marcelo at the fiesta Mass on
the 8th of December. The Church was full. I was
asked to light the candles of the Advent wreath.
What a great participation by the people! They sang
and danced. They clap their hands in praising God.
It makes you feel that it is a celebration of our faith
together. People applauded when I spoke to them
and expressed my gratitude in Spanish after
Communion. After Mass, most people came to the
priests for a special blessing. They bowed down in
prayer as I placed my hands on their heads and
blessed them and prayed for their various needs –
for a child with throat problems, a woman with her
husband’s drinking problems, a young girl who has
been diagnosed with cancer, a woman pregnant
with twins, a teenage-girl who is a drug addict and
so on.
On the next day we took a tour with some other tourists
to see Cordoba. It started at the main plaza, where the
cathedral is situated. Next door to the Cathedral is a
place unforgettable for Argentineans where the
military, presumably hand in hand with the Church
believed to have killed thousands of innocent and poor
people. Between 1976-1983, Argentina was wracked
by a war in which successive military regimes hunted
down, tortured and removed about 30,000 citizens.
The Church was then on the side of the military against
the people. I believe that this has impacted immensely
the faith and life of Argentineans in relationship to the
Catholic Church. The city bus stopped in front of a
beautiful Church with two gigantic towers. The tour
guide explained to us why the two towers are different.
One is much larger and more complete than the other.
He said that it reminds you of how perfect God is and
the smaller tower reminds you of how imperfect we are
as human beings. After the city tour, Fr. Jacob brought
me to a restaurant for lunch (buffet), a place he said is
frequented only when they have visitors. Jacob had
asked me to celebrate Mass in the evening in his
mission chapel where a small group came to mass. Of
course Fr. Jacob preached.
Argentina Tango is a musical and a social dance
originated at the end of the 19th century in the
suburbs of Buenos Aires. Tango dance is essentially
walking with a partner and the music. A good dancer
is one who transmits a feeling of the music to the
partner. What a great evening to relax with music and
dance when Frs. Marcelo, Jacob, Bro. Ariel and
myself went to a down town restaurant that is popular
for Tango. Dinner started at 10pm and after 2 hours
of long dining, Tango started at around 12midnight.
Splendid indeed it was! It lasted for more than one
and a half hour. The place must have accommodated
about a 100 people on the first floor and probably
another 100 on the second floor. The dancers went
back and forth from one floor to the other. Everyone
in the room by nationality was introduced and
welcomed during the tango dance. Fr. Norman was
right, “You must see tango while you are in
Argentina.” Thanks for the treat Norman. It was really
After the tango, around 2pm we headed home
passing by down town. There were hundreds of
young people (college and university kids) out in
the street. Marcelo told me that they don’t normally
sleep but party almost all night and it could be 5 or
6 in the morning when they go home. They could
sleep all morning or even take a long siesta in the
afternoon. You would be very surprised if
something happens on time as scheduled. If you
make an appointment to meet someone at a
certain time, you will be lucky if he or she shows up
even an hour late. Even masses in the Church
never start on time. People have very poor sense
of time and no one seems to be bothered by it.
On Saturday morning, Javier picked me up to show me around his parish. There are 8 mission chapels
which they attend to regularly. There is plenty of works to do as the needs of the people are many. I
experienced the goodness and good will of the people. I saw the struggles and challenges in their life.
Meeting Daniel, a wonderful young man for lunch was quite an experience. He described himself as a
Bolivian with an Argentinean heart. He is a humble man who owns and operates a trucking and
transporting company. He transports goods of all kinds within the country and abroad. He is not only a
Fr.Marcelo and I left Cordoba at 11:50 at
night by bus for Santa Fe. Santa Fe sits in
northeastern Argentina. We arrived at 5
am and took a taxi to get to the parish of
Frs. Robert Butler and Jose Daniel. It was
Sunday morning. I concelebrated with Fr.
Robert. I was presented to the
parishioners and there was great
welcome. This is a parish with no mission
chapels and people seem to be a little bit
financially better off than other places. They
all wished me well and that I have a good
time in the country. Fr. Marcelo who is from
Santa Fe was eager to show me around
with Fr. Robert Butler. After enjoying a
great lunch prepared by Fr.Jose Daniel
and an hour of siesta we headed for the
The last leg of my first mission journey in South America
began with a 5 hour bus-ride (collectivo) with Fr. Marcelo
to Buenos Aires. Lunch was served on the bus.
Arrangements were made to stay at “Casa del Clero”
where priests and religious are welcome to stay for a
minimum cost. Fr. Marcelo knew ins and outs of the city.
Upon arrival we walked the streets filled with people. By
10pm there were more people on the streets and
restaurants. Fr. Marcelo said, people have just started to
come out to have dinner and enjoy night life. This is one
place in the world one would see people dining even in
Fr. Thomas
talking to the
Fr. Robert
A gathering after
Diego Armando
Alfredo Ariel
Leonardo Ariel
Church in
Joseph received a sick call while I was there from a remote village about 6miles from the parish. I was
invited to join him in his old pick-up that he drives around to get to all the barrios. He keeps 3 additional
tires (old ones) at the back of the truck for he expects flat tire often. We had no idea of who the patient
was and where her house was located. We stopped by a woman’s house who Fr. Joseph knew and she
got in to the pick-up and led the way to the patient’s house.
become a La Salette and to spread the message of reconciliation with the people with whom he
ministers. He appreciates the opportunity of ministering to the two mission communities with which he is
entrusted. He feels great joy being with brothers in the community as he hopes to be a priest someday.
After the Mass, we went back to the Regional House, where for dinner we had “Lomita Sandwich” from a
local restaurant called “Como Lomo.” It is a nice and juicy steak sandwich with ham, cheese, egg, lettuce
and tomato. Wasn’t it tasty!!!
advise and financial support when needed.
He works closely with Fr. Javier in financial
matters. He took us on a tour of his
company and later we met in his office and
talked about the possibility of collaborating
in our mission endeavors. We were
privileged to be invited to have lunch with
him in a local restaurant to enjoy typical
Argentinean delicacies and a bottle of
wine. He has a heart of gold that reaches
out to the poor, marginalized and people
less fortunate. On Saturday evening I was
invited by Fr. Javier to be the main
celebrant for the anticipated Mass in the
parish for the third week of Advent. Meeting
people after Mass at the door was again a
joyful experience. They thanked me for
being a priest, for serving God and the
Church and the missions. They promised me prayers and wished for me to walk with God at all times. The
evening before I was leaving for Santa Fe the Youth Coordinator asked if I would meet and speak with the
youth of the parish who were finishing up a project. They love La Salette and they were at work making
hand-crafted La Salette items for the use of the parish and to sell to raise funds for their activities. We had
great conversations as they were interested in knowing more about my work, about India and the USA.
city of Santa Fe. Santa Fe like every other city has a main plaza. Here it is surrounded by the Cathedral,
Governor’s and municipal office, Archbishop’s palace and other major government buildings. On our way
back home, we passed by the house of Fr. Marcelo and visited his mother and sister as we enjoyed
drinking mate together.
the early hours of the morning. My last
day began with a nice breakfast at 8am -.
Then took a city bus to the seashore and
had a great despedida lunch of steak and
a bottle of wine, which Argentina is known
for. Buenos Aires is the largest city and
the capital of Argentina with a population
of more than 14 million. It is a top tourist
attraction and destination. It is known for
its European style architecture and rich
cultural life. Buenos Aires is beautiful. All
streets are loaded with trees. Marcelo
took me to the airport which is an hour
away from the city and my plane took off
for Miami at 11 pm on the 13th of
December and arrived safely home to Saint Louis on the 14th of December. To the Region, thank you very
much for having made feel welcomed during my entire visit. Your hospitality, generosity, friendship and
love are most commendable! Adios!